5 Common Early Signs Of Pregnancy

5 Common Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the miracles of life that continue to astound and amaze one and all. The many changes that a women’s body experiences during this time are varied and at times very confusing and even a little frightening for some. The end result is of course worth both the physical and emotional rollercoaster that you can expect to experience. Below are listed some of the more common early symptoms’ of pregnancy, but of course are not limited to these alone, and for a rare few there are little or no symptoms.

A missed period is usually the first indication of being pregnant. A few women though, continue with spotting throughout their pregnancy. A missed period may also be an indication of something entirely different such as stress or an illness, so do not take this confirmation that you are pregnant..

Morning sickness is probably the next most common known sign. Although for most women it usually passes after the first trimester, for a number of women it last the entire pregnancy. Don’t be fooled by the name either, though it is called “morning” sickness it is certainly not confined to this time of day.

Changes to the breast. Sensitive and tender nipples, darkened pigmentation of the Areolas and a general soreness of the breasts are common changes to be expected in the early stages of pregnancy.

Feeling fatigued. In the early stages of pregnancy, your metabolism will compensate for the extra effort needed to support both the developing baby and the mother’s body. This leaves the mother feeling more tired than normal. The hormone progesterone needed in high quantities during pregnancies has a sedating effect, thus the need for sleep is increased, so if a nap is needed, take it.

The need to urinate more. As early as a week after conception, the need to urinate little but frequently can become an irritating aspect of pregnancy. The embryo secretes the hormone hCG which causes the bladder to become irritated resulting in frequent urination.

As stated earlier, these are just the more common early pregnancy signs and may also be an indication of other health issues. Of course if you suspect that you may be pregnant, the next step is to confirm it.

Confirming a pregnancy.

Home kits can be bought from pharmacies, and although their accuracy levels are quite high, a visit to your doctor to confirm your pregnancy is required.

The doctor may do either a urine test or a blood test or even both to confirm that you are in fact pregnant. An internal exam may also be done by your GP, but this is generally left to an obstetrician, whom you will see either privately or under public antenatal care at the hospital.

So if you think you may be pregnant, have it confirmed to take away all the guess work. It is important for both you and your baby’s health to be under professional care as soon as possible. If you are pregnant, congratulations.

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