Green Tea and Health – How Does it Help?

Green Tea and Health – How Does it Help?

Green Tea and Health Benefits

It never fails to amaze me. Looks like there is just no end to the list of health benefits green tea has to offer. Scientists and researchers keep on reporting on new ways they have discovered that this tea helps in improving our health.

Let’s take a look at what is green tea and health benefits that it can provide us.

The three different types of tea – black, oolong and green are derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The leaves of this plant are dried and then fermented to produce the tea we consume.

The type of tea produced depends on the level of fermentation. Black tea leaves are fully fermented, which destroys some of its active ingredients known as polyphenols. Oolong tea leaves are partially fermented and so contain more polyphenols than black tea. Green tea is not fermented at all and so is the richest of all in terms of active ingredient content.

Polyphenols contain the anti oxidants which make this tea beneficial in fighting off the effects of aging brought upon by free radical damage.

This tea also been used since centuries for its digestive properties. It helps in keeping the digestion system running smoothly and so prevents many stomach disorders.

Consuming this tea on a regular basis helps in keeping cholesterol levels low and also prevents tooth decay. It also increases the metabolism rate of the body which helps in weight loss by burning more calories even with the same level of exercise.

Best of all, the anti oxidants present in the tea help in killing free radicals and prevents us from the number one killer disease in the nation today – Cancer.

Now that we have seen the relation between green tea and health, the next step is now to find the best way to make it a part of your daily diet.

The obvious solution is to drink 4-5 cups of this tea every day. This is, however, easier said than done unless you are a hard core tea lover.

A simple alternative is to look for a natural supplement that contains the extract of this tea. By taking a couple of pills daily, you will get all the anti oxidants from the tea without having to drink copious amounts of it.

Even better, look for a supplement that contains other nutrients too like Ginger and Pine bark extract – both of them work very well in synergy with this tea and magnify its beneficial effects manifold.

So there you have it. Green tea and health go hand in hand. Start right away and get its amazing health benefits working for you. To know where to find the best supplement containing its extract, visit my website today.

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