How to Potty Train a Dog – House Training a Puppy Techniques

How to Potty Train a Dog – House Training a Puppy Techniques

How to potty train a dog is one of the most challenging things you’ll face as a pet owner. However, its not impossible and anyone can do it.

Do you have an adorable puppy that you are trying to potty train? Is your dog using the bathroom in the house despite your best efforts? You love your pet, but you want to teach them to respect your house. I’ll guide you through some common dog training information that will give you the tools you need to properly train your puppy.

The most important thing to consider when training your puppy is to establish the relationship properly. Communication is the deciding factor when dealing with your new companion. Being upbeat, positive and enthusiastic reinforces your position with your puppy. Puppies love praise and they love to please their owners, by communicating with your dog in this manner you reassure them that they are doing what you want.

Some of the key factors to remember when training your dog are, Establish the Relationship – Proper Communication – Patience through Repetition.

Puppies are not born with instincts that tell them they need to go to the bathroom outside. You have to train them to go outside to use the bathroom. Dogs love praise and this type of communication maintains positive for your pet. Rewarding your dog with praise and treats helps to reinforce that you are pleased with what they have done.

Be sure to realize that training a dog requires patience and repetition, don’t get frustrated with your dog if you think they aren’t progressing, realize that it takes time to teach them. They aren’t going to learn what you want to teach them over night, but they will progress.

A very important thing to remember is that potty training a dog is just the beginning. Properly training your dog to be obedient and to respect your family and belongings will maximize the enjoyment of having a dog in the family.

If you want to learn how to teach your dog the most common training techniques and questions you need to visit my How to potty train a dog information guide.

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