Soul Development – How to Avoid the Pitfalls

Soul Development – How to Avoid the Pitfalls

Let us consider the journey we all undertake and identify some common pitfalls along the way. Better equipped to recognise the traps set by our own ego, we can consider how exposing these traps can lead us farther on the path to an awareness of our true identity in the world.

Over the years I have come across numerous people who believe they are here to save the world or provide some sort of superior healing service that is beyond the comprehension of what already is. It’s important to be careful of ‘spiritual snobbery’. There is a period of time in a person’s spiritual journey when they begin to accelerate their progress. The acceleration often takes the person into euphoria. This is all part of spiritual development. It is important during this time to master an ability to be non-judgmental towards the level of development of others around you.

Spirituality will always be the master and you the servant. The ostentatious attitude will calm but the increase in perception will stay. Psychic skills will increase tenfold and your ability to ‘look’ easily into the perceptions of others will amaze you.

Opportunities to challenge your core beliefs will abound; slowly but surely, fear in all areas of your life will begin to dissolve. The things that bothered you previously will melt away to be replaced with a general sense of calm. All sounds too good to be true? It is true but it takes work and a willingness to give up old ways of thinking. To tackle such things as giving out too much, living through family, excessive worry, thinking you’re stupid, guilt, being over nice, perfectionism – the list goes on.

Ultimately, spirituality can be described as the journey to discover and become yourself, in the process finding what you are good at and enjoy. That’s your contribution. It is not about saving the world.

Heidi Sawyer

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