Pay Rent and Bills With a Credit Card: How to Use Plastiq

With Plastiq, you can pay your rent with a credit card. You can pay your mortgage with a credit card. You can pay your car payment or auto loan with a credit card. You can also use a debit card.

This is an easy way to earn lots of miles, points, and cashback.

When you use a travel rewards credit card or a cash back card on Plastiq, you’ll earn travel rewards like airline miles, hotel points, credit card points, and cash back. Here’s how.

brick apartment building painted pastel pink on one side and pastel blue on the other side with two white doors with black steel gates

What is Plastiq

Plastiq is a payment service that lets you use a credit card or debit card to pay bills that you normally can’t pay using a credit card or debit card.

You can use Plastiq to pay rent, your mortgage, utilities, insurance, and other bills that you normally can’t pay with a credit card or debit card.

Pro-tip: The best

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