Traveling To The U.S.? Be Careful

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The U.S. is supposed to be the richest, most developed country in the world. But, unfortunately, it has some serious flaws. While it’s a great place for vacationers, there are some things you need to be aware of before you go there. 

The U.S. is a fun place, but it does have its drawbacks – stuff you need to know about if you’re coming from Europe or one of the quieter parts of East Asia. 

Check out things to do in Washington

Street Safety Isn’t Guaranteed

You can walk around most European cities at night without any issues whatsoever. Most have low or zero crime, and the likelihood of someone approaching you to hurt you is incredibly small. 

In U.S. cities, though, it’s not the same story. Gang violence and street crime are epidemics in some locations, meaning that you’ll need to research where you

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