Try This Money Spending Challenge

Try This Money Spending Challenge

There are many physical fitness challenges that will help and direct you to stay on course with your proper diet and exercise. Some could be even fun such as challenging yourself to not eat any fried foods or desserts for two weeks (or even longer). You can even challenge yourself to stay on your exercise program for two weeks. Eventually, you condition yourself to acquire a habit of discipline which is essential for your physical fitness.

With your personal finances, you could do the same. There are many games that you could do that will make you think with your head rather than spontaneously when it comes to spending your money. For many people spending money has become a natural way of relieving stress or even boredom. One simple but innovative way to handle your personal finance is to challenge yourself to spend no money for a day and eventually for a week. It may seem simple but if you do not consciously plan out your personal finances then you will be like the wind. Your personal finances will be dictated by the whim of your emotion. You will be gullible or susceptible to any “deals”, “sales”, or “stuff” that crosses your path. As a given, you do not want to use a credit card or debit card.

For today, you must not spend any money at all.

If you can walk around the mall or store with money in your pocket, you should challenge yourself to have power over your money- not have the money have power over you. This exercise will strengthened or develop your discipline over your personal finance.

Now, if you have developed your foundational strength over money, you can try to do this for a week. You can challenge yourself to spend no money for a whole week. This may require some focus and internal fortitude for some. But, you will be able to do this easily when you have the will power to have control over how you spend your money.

The key is to exercise control in every aspect of your life especially on your personal finance.

Having the will power to do and not the will of your whim or desires is empowering to you. Soon you will be able to go anywhere and not get distracted by buying the “shiny” new item on the shelf.

* Do not use any credit card or even a debit card.
* Set aside a day (or even a week) where you do not spend any money at all.

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