Why A Meeting Of The Minds Is Such A CHALLENGE?

Why A Meeting Of The Minds Is Such A CHALLENGE?

Although, seeking a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good, seems to make, common sense, it often, becomes a significant CHALLENGE, to overcome! After, over four decades of personal involvement, in, nearly, everything, related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving as a leader, personally, several times, I believe, because, far – too – few, individuals, who, either are elected, selected, and/ or, ascend to some position of leadership, receive the necessary degree of professionally – designed, leadership training, and maintain a variety of factors, related to attitude, aptitude, self – confidence, commitment, etc, few, actually, become real leaders! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Caring; coordinate; creative; character: It takes a significant, positive, quality of character, to possess, all the necessities of leading, meaningfully! This individual must be caring, and creative, while realizing, he must be ready, willing, and able to coordinate others, towards a relevant, sustainable, well – considered, path – forward!

2. Healing; head/ heart: Healing leaders must align, the finest, logical, and emotional components, in a head/ heart balance, in order to make a significant difference, for the better!

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions; articulate: We need to be represented, and served, by individuals, with a true, positive, can – do, attitude, combined with a well – developed, relevant aptitude, and skill – set! The best person, for the position, usually, is the one, who pays keen attention, and proactively, introduces, and takes, well – considered, actions, based on meaningful, strategic and action planning, and, articulates an inspiring message, which brings others together, for the greater good!

4. Listen; learn: How can anyone, hope to be a real leader, unless/ until, he effectively, listens and learns, in order to gain greater knowledge, and expertise, which hopefully, becomes transformed to greater, relevant, sustainable wisdom, etc?

5. Leadership; lessons: The necessity for effective leadership, is, for someone, to learn the lessons, from the past, and align them, to move – forward, in the wisest, possible manner!

6. Empathy; emphasis: If one wishes to make a positive difference, he must proceed, with genuine empathy, and place his primary emphasis, accordingly!

7. Needs: Shouldn’t it be a requirement, for any leader, to proactively, address the priorities, perceptions, and needs of the group, and stakeholders, as a primary consideration, and emphasis?

8. Generate goodwill; greater good; growth: Organizations must consistently, undergo relevant growth, or they will not remain relevant, and thus, lose their reasons for existing, etc! A great leader generates goodwill, because he is open – minded, and fair, and seeks to create a valuable meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good!

9. Efforts; effective; effects; excellence; exceed expectations: A wise leader, under – promises, and over – delivers, thus, exceeding expectations! He is effective, when his efforts, bring forth, desirable effects! Only, when one, demand his utmost degree of personal excellence, and never settles for good – enough, will he earn the right to be called, a leader!

Why does a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good, remain, such a CHALLENGE? Do you have what it takes, to be a real leader?

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