Beginner Guide to Glamping | Etramping

Glamping is known across the world as a glamorous form of luxury camping. Some more affluent travellers would like to create their own camping experience, while others enjoy putting their experience in the hands of a professional. Regardless of which one you are, glamping is definitely unique and can be a great eye-opening and indulgent experience.

How is Glamping Different From Camping? 

Glamping consists of facilities and camping accommodations that set it apart from the basic camping experience. 

Glamping can be as luxurious as sleeping in a dome tent and having a kitchen and a toilet. Some glampsites even offer additional amenities such as hot tubs and BBQ areas. Ultimately, glamping allows one to connect more with nature while staying in a comfortable and well-furnished accommodation. 

What makes glamping so appealing to millennials and generation Z is that it allows individuals to experience travel in a way they never have

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